It's hard not to compare some of Adam's work to Mapplethorpe, given the subjects and style. I, however don't think that is a bad thing considering my love an admiration of Mapplethorpe's work. Adam has that same keen eye for masculinity, eroticism and sensibility. His stylized portraits and landscapes are in perfect harmony with the lighting, depth of field and movement. His ability to capture the mood and essence of the models is so impressive. Adam has this amazing ability of taking neoclassic poses and turning them into these contemporary masterpieces, you have to look through his body of work to truly appreciate the talent that goes into them. The pieces i chose to exhibit here focus on position and movement, they are so unique and inviting. I have looked at thousands of amazing nude portraits and never have i seen such great direction and styling. Go visit Adam's website, the intro page is even wild!
Adam's Site Here
some beautiful shots in there..